The Southside Planning District Commission (SPDC) provides transportation planning assistance to the three counties and twelve towns located in the region. Planning activities are guided by the SPDC's Transportation Technical Advisory Committee, composed of local representatives, VDOT officials and Commission staff.
Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC)
Agenda: pdf January 11, 2024 (152 KB)
Minutes: pdf November 21, 2023 (107 KB)
Services Provided
- Transportation Planning (TTAC meetings, Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan, Regional Active Transportation Plan, etc.)
- Grant Writing and Administration
- Identify Funding Resources/Opportunities
- Data Collection (GPS, GIS, Trail/Pedestrian Counters)
- Technical Assistance to Localities and Roanoke River Rails-to-Trails, Inc.
- GIS mapping
Rural Transportation Planning Work Program
Each year a Rural Transportation Planning Work Program is adopted by the Planning District Commission, which identifies numerous transportation projects and other technical assistance to be provided. Examples of past and on-going work include: Regional Long Range Transportation Plan; Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trails Plans; Prepare and Assist with Transportation Grants; Assistance with Transportation Elements in Comprehensive Plans; and Utilization of GIS and GPS Equipment for Transportation Related Projects.
pdf FY24 Rural Transportation Planning Work Program (225 KB)
2045 Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan
The 2045 Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan was officially adopted by the SPDC on January 23, 2020. The plan includes data relating to demographics, land use, transportation goals, and numerous inventories related to the region's transportation network. However, the most notable sections of the plan contain transportation recommendations based on the results of a prioritization matrix and also the inclusion of vision projects. The prioritization matrix (an Excel spreadsheet that scores each recommended improvement) was utilized to identify those transportation projects throughout the region that are best positioned to receive support and funding during future grant cycles, most notably the Virginia Department of Transportation's Smart Scale program. The prioritized recommendations are mapped according to their ranking and a brief overview is provided. Vision projects represent those transportation projects deemed important by local jurisdictions but lack the necessary data points to be fairly scored by the prioritizaton matrix. Common examples include new roadways, roadways with insufficient data, sidewalks, and multi-use trails.
pdf 2045 Rural Long-Range Transportation Plan (8.45 MB)
The Pathway Forward// (Southside Active Transportation Plan)
The Pathway Forward// was officially adopted by the SPDC on January 25, 2024. It focuses on active transportation, which is the oldest, simplist, and in many ways the most efficient and economical means of transportation available. It is also a healthy, non-polluting form of personalized transportation that does not depend on limited natural resources. The plan sets forth strategies and recommendations for the development of a network for on-road and off-road facilities and improvements across the region. It serves as an update and consolidation of the 2004 Halifax County Trails, Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan and the 2007 Lake Country Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Plan.
US 58 Richmond District Arterial Preservation Plan
VDOT contracted with Michael Baker International to work with localities, stakeholders, and the public, to study and recommend improvements along US 58 in Brunswick and Mecklenburg Counties. The purpose of the plan is to improve safety and preserve roadway capacity along US 58 without the need for wide-scale roadway widenings. Please use the link below to view plan that was finalized in late 2019.
pdf US 58 Richmond District Arterial Preservation Plan (47.30 MB)