On behalf of the Southside Planning District Commission, we would like to thank all of our sponsors (listed below) for their contributions to our Annual Dinner Meeting, hosted this year in Brunswick County. We work very closely with each of them, and truly appreciate and highly regard the partnerships that have been established over the years.

Please click on the following sponsor logos to visit their website:








On behalf of the Southside Planning District Commission, we would like to thank our Past Commissioners for their dedicated service and support.

We look forward to working with each of you in the future as we continue the good work of community revitalization.

 Name Title Locality Years of Service
Wayne Carter County Administrator Mecklenburg County 1
Ronnie Duffey Board of Supervisors Halifax County 2
Andy Hargrove Board of Supervisors Mecklenburg County 10
Winston Harrell Town Council South Boston 4
Angie Kellett Director of Economic Development Mecklenburg County 14
David Martin Citizen At Large Halifax County 6
 Alfonzo Seward Board of Supervisors Brunswick County 3
 Norman Talley Citizen At Large Halifax County 1
 Joseph Taylor, III Town Council South Hill 2
 Ernest Vass  Citizen At Large South Boston 5






The Southside Active Transportation Plan Hub has launched, CLICK HERE to check it out. This hub will serve as a central place for the public to participate and follow along throughout the planning process as a new Southside Active Transportation Plan is developed, as well as an update to the Tobacco Heritage Trail Master Plan.  It will include information on upcoming public meetings, allow users to access an interactive map, review various data sets ranging from crash data to county health rankings, and provide a link to a public input survey.

The County of Mecklenburg plans to complete a comprehensive, county-wide Housing Needs Assessment. The purpose of the assessment is to identify and prioritize future project areas eligible for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) assistance.

Survey Link:  Mecklenburg County Housing Needs Survey