CEDS CoverEvery five years the overall economic and community well-being is evaluated to adequately realign regional goals documented in the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).  Goals center around business and industrial development to encourage jobs and wage growth, community and housing improvements, infrastructure upgrades, and enhancing the recreational and quality of life components of the District.  A key component of the CEDS process is the input of the CEDS Committee.  This group is comprised of local stakeholders including government officials, small business owners, private citizens, and representatives from the education, healthcare, and industrial communities.  A Community Input Session was held at the SPDC building in December of 2019 where 28 participants conducted a SWAT analysis of the District to be included in the 2020 five-year update.  As a final step in the update process, the SPDC advertised a 30-day public commnet period to encourage stakeholder participation and public input.  Comments received were reviewed for reflection in this Update.  The final document was then approved by the SPDC in October 2020.

This CEDS presents the overall comprehensive planning and action process engaged in by the Southside Planning District Commission. Approval of this document by the US Economic Development Administration (EDA) establishes the Southside Planning District's eligibility for EDA financial assistance. In addition, this document provides an evaluation of economic conditions, which is useful in making future development decisions.

In 2024 the CEDS Committee was tasked with reviewing and recommending any needed changes to the goals, objectives, actions, and performance measures included in the CEDS. Numerous changes were identified, drafted, and shared for 30-days with the public for their comments. Shortly thereafter the CEDS Committee recommended approval of the updated version and the SPDC adopted it on July 25, 2024.

You can download the current CEDS here:

  pdf Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2020 - 2025 (40.92 MB) - 2024 Version