In an effort to address the opioid epidemic affecting Southside, Virginia, the Southside Planning District Commission (SPDC), on behalf of the counties of Brunswick, Halifax, and Mecklenburg is requesting proposals from one or more qualified local organizations to implement opioid abatement strategies in the region.

Proposals received will be evaluated by the County(ies) the proposed project will serve. The highest scoring proposed project(s) will be recommended to be included in a local or regional application to the Virginia Opioid Abatement Authority by April 1, 2026. Deadline for submittal of proposals is June 1, 2025 at 2:00 p.m. Minority and/or female owned businesses or organizations are encouraged to apply, as well as local entities in Brunswick, Halifax, and Mecklenburg County.

The RFP can be downloaded here: archive OAA Southside RFP (1.77 MB)