Projects - Mecklenburg
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The County of Mecklenburg was awarded $74,844 from the Southside Economic Development Program on January 7, 2014 in order to perform due diligence studies at two (2) industrial parks: Roanoke River Business Park and Lakeside Commerce Park. Both parks are in excellent condition and have been identified as very marketable properties in accordance with a recent site analysis performed by Timmons Group for the Virginia Growth Alliance. However, the site analysis identified the need for several due diligence studies in order to upgrade the parks to a Tier 4 rated site, which is the desired ranking for prospect readiness.
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The Town of Clarksville received a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in the amount of $1,697,448 from the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (VDHCD) for housing and infrastructure improvements within the Southwest Downtown community in October 2011. The project area includes Market Street, Carolina Street, 8th Street, and 9th Street.
The project was divided into two multi-year projects. Project activities in Multi-Year 1, to be completed in October 2013, includes rehabilitation of five (5) owner-occupied units; rehabilitation of eight (8) investor-owned units; replacement of 1,990 linear feet of 8" gravity sewer, 620 feet of 4" sewer lateral, and installation of 9 new or replacement manholes; installation of curve and gutter sidewalk; and storm sewer pipe to improve storm drainage; street improvements to include patch and repair to Market and Eight Streets, and the paving of Carolina Street; demolition of a 15,000 square ft. vacant dilapidated structure that presents a blighting influence on the neighborhood, and clearance of all junk, debris, weeds, inoperable vehicles and dilapidated structures from the project area. Project activities in Multi-Year 2, to be completed in October 2014, will include finalization of infrastructure activities, such as, installation of curb and gutter, sidewalks, and paving.